Tag Archives: JBoss

An Overview of JBossESB by Mark Little, JBoss CTO

21 May

Mark Little, the JBoss Chief Technical Officer, has decided to take a small detour during his JavaOne San Francisco visit and talk in front our monthly gathering , at SDForum Java SIG. He will be our guest on June 2nd and will give a technical overview of the JBoss Enterprise Bus. Since we will have him surrounded, he will probably have no other choice but also answer questions on strategic issues such as where is JBoss heading, how is it reacting to the current economic and competitive landscape changes, and any other kind of questions a Chief Technical Officer of a popular Open Source group may receive from a Silicon Valley gathering of technology enthusiasts.


June 2nd, 2009, the first Tuesday of the month.


Cubberly Community Center
4000 Middlefield Road, Room H-1
Palo Alto, California 94105


6:30 PM – 7:00  PM Doors open. Networking.

7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Presentations.

Price: $15 for non-members, and free for members.


In this presentation we’ll look at the evolution of JBossESB from an in-house project, through a code donation, to the basis of the Red Hat/JBoss SOA Platform. We’ll look at some of the architectural aspects of the ESB, where it relates to standards such as WS-* and REST, and plans for the future including OSGi and SCA.


Mark Little works for Red Hat, where he is the CTO of JBoss. Prior to this he was SOA Technical Development Manager and Director of Standards. He was Chief Architect and co-founder at Arjuna Technologies, a spin-off from HP (where he was a Distinguished Engineer). He has been working in the area of reliable distributed systems since the mid-80’s. Mark’s PhD was on fault-tolerant distributed systems, replication and transactions. Mark is also the author of a popular Java Transactions Processing book and several others, currently in the works. His blog is available here: http://markclittle.blogspot.com/

Flex Clients with JBoss Seam and EJBs (July 1)

7 Jun

Felipe Albertao and Darius Zagrean

JBoss Seam is a next-generation open source Internet framework for Java, while Adobe Flex is a fantastic Rich Internet Application platform. In this session we will go through a step-by-step tutorial using JBoss Seam and EJBs, demonstrating how Seam makes it easy to do remote calls to EJBs using AJAX, and then how it leverages the same architecture for Flex clients.

Felipe and Darius work together at www.BoulevardR.com, a startup that has developed an online process to create actionable, unbiased financial plans prepared by experts. Their talk is directly drawn from their own experience at Boulevard R, where they use this same set of technologies.